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Generic Chord Voicing Rules


In this module we learned a number of widely used Jazz Chord Voicings. But, of course, these voicings are not exhaustive. There are scores of voicings for every chord type because, after all, a voicing is just a way of combining the notes of a chord into different intervals. So it’s worth discussing some General Chord Voicing Rules so that you can create your own Jazz chord voicings.

When playing a chord, there are really two things you need to take account of:

The Chord Itself

So you can play a CMaj7, CMaj9, CMaj9#11, CMaj13, or CMaj13#11 (again, using only available tensions).

The more extended and altered the chord is, the more tension you will create with that chord. We can call this the ‘harmonic tension‘.

The Chord Voicing

The voicing of a chord relates to the intervals between the notes. You can alter the tension of the chord by altering the voicing of the chord, even if you’re playing the same notes.

Perfect ConsonanceImperfect ConsonanceDissonance
Perfect UnisonMinor 3rdMinor 2nd
Perfect OctaveMajor 3rdMajor 2nd
Perfect 5thMinor 6thMinor 7th
Perfect 4thMajor 6thMajor 7th
Minor 9th (8av + semitone)

So, for example, let’s take the chord CMaj13#11. Now we could voice it in the following ways:

The more dissonant intervals the chord voicing has, the more tension you will create with that voicing. We can call this the ‘voicing tension‘.

Combining Consonant and Dissonant Intervals creates more interesting sounding voicings.

Generic Chord Voicing Rules

As well as the above, below are some Generic Chord Voicing Rules.

Harmonic vs Voicing Tension

By altering the chord and the voicing you can create and resolve tension while playing a chord progression. And let’s differentiate between:

(Aside: as well as the above, you also need to take note of the voice leading from chord to chord, but we will leave this for another lesson)

For example, let’s take a II-V-I in C:

Basic ChordsDm7G7CMaj7
High Tension with NO Resolution
Harmonic TensionLowHighLow
Voicing TensionHighHighHigh
High Tension WITH Resolution
Harmonic TensionLowHighLow
Voicing TensionHighHighLow


So when ‘comping or playing a chord progression, do take account of:

And adjust the level of tension as required and desired.

Video #1

Video #2


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